Tuesday, January 14, 2014

TracyRealEstateBlog-Five Things to Do Before Listing Your Home

If you are a homeowner who has made the decision to list your home for sale, there are things you could and should do prior to listing it for sale. Your house should be prepared carefully, paying attention to every detail. 

Here is a list of five things to do before listing your home for sale:

1. Spruce up the curb appeal.

Your home should attract buyers from the outside before they would even consider going inside. Make sure the yard is free of weeds, be sure the lawn is mowed on a regular basis, plant some colorful plants around the house, check to make sure walkway and driveway are free of cracks, and pay attention to your front door. If it needs to be painted, do so. Remove garbage cans, toys, and “stuff” your pets might have left outside without your knowledge. 

2. Hire a licensed home inspector.

Buyers will do so once you’re in contract, its best you repair all items that will eventually be on an inspection report. Well worth spending the money.

3. Clean and organize.

This includes the living area as well as the garage. It’s easy to accumulate “stuff” after just a few months of living in a house. Look at your house from the eyes of a potential buyer. Remove all personal items from sight, start packing away all the clutter. Go through your closets and start separating from clothes you haven’t worn in couple of years.Remember less is more. Once you’re done organizing, it’s time to clean. Clean the floors, carpets, windows, doors, walls, baseboards, light fixtures, and let your house sparkle.

4. Hire a home stager.

Let’s face it, not everyone has the great talent with colors and arranging furniture. Thankfully, we have home stagers to help. Home stager can do wonders with color scheme, arranging furniture, using the right items for decorating and much more. Well worth hiring a home stager.

5. Gather all the warranties, user manuals, guarantees.

Make a list of contractors you may use on a regular basis such as pest control, lawn care, and A/C maintenance. 

These are only five things to do before listing your home for sale but there could be more. Having a team of professionals on your team will guide you through the entire transaction to ensure a pleasant home selling experience. 

Curious about the value of your home? Visit CAHomeValuesToday.com for a free, no obligation market analysis of your home directly to your inbox!

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